Eligible Training Provider List

The State of California accepts applications from qualified schools and institutions for inclusion on the Statewide Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) on an on-going basis. With the exception of public schools or institutions (e.g. community college, apprenticeships, or school district), all schools or institutions requesting consideration for inclusion on the statewide Eligible Training Provider List, the school or organization must either possess current and verifiable Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) Approval or Exemption status allowing the school or institution to operate in the State of California. Links are included below to the BPPE approval applications for accredited and non-accredited institutions.

Approval to Operate an Institution Non-Accredited
Approval to Operate an Accredited Institution
Application for Verification of Exempt Status

Persons interested in additional information regarding the Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009, and related rules and regulations, can go to the BPPE website www.bppe.ca.gov. If you have any questions, please contact the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau for Private Postsecondary via e-mail at bppe@dca.ca.gov

Schools and institutions applying for the ETPL must register their school or institution on the CalJOBS website (https://www.caljobs.ca.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx). If the school or institution does not already exist in CalJOBS select the “Not Registered Yet?” link directly under the Username and Password log-in fields. Then choose “Provider” within Option 3 – Create a User Account (qualified schools and institutions that offer on-line or distance learning training programs are also eligible to apply). Please be sure to include an valid e-mail address when creating the user account. Once the User Account is created the school or institution’s representative will be directed to enter additional detail for the school or institution. Once all of the school or institution’s complete provider detail has been entered the Local Workforce Development Area’s (LWDA) ETPL Coordinator will be auto-notified that the school or institution has registered in CalJOBS. The ETPL Coordinator will review the information entered for completeness and accuracy and either approve or reject the school or institution’s Provider application. The school or institution’s representative will be notified via e-mail once the application is approved (or rejected). Once an institution has been approved for inclusion on the ETPL, the registered user should log back into the CalJOBS website and select “Manage Institution Programs”, then choose “Add Self Service Education Program” option. Once the qualified programs have been entered, the LWIA ETPL Coordinator will review and approve the programs for inclusion on the ETPL. Schools and institutions may be required to submit evidence that they possess current BPPE approval (or exemption) to the LWIA ETPL Coordinator. Beginning May 5, 2014, schools or institutions who wish to have their training programs considered for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding must meet the minimum performance standards as outlined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Eligible Training Provider List Policy and Procedures Directive (RWSD13-10). Page 14 of the directive outlines the Subsequent Eligibility Determination guidelines for schools and institutions. The link to the directive is included below.


Qualified schools/institutions, in the Sacramento region, that are included on the statewide ETPL, are eligible to receive referrals for subsidized training under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). When Sacramento Works Job Center individuals/customers receive Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds for training, express an interest in enrolling in a program offered by an eligible ETPL school/institution, the school/institution will be offered the opportunity to enter into a formal Local Training Provider Service Agreement Contract. Once a signed contract is in place, the provider will be included on Sacramento Employment & Training Agency (SETA)/Sacramento Works Local Training Provider List (LTPL) and will be eligible to receive additional career center customer referrals. All new education/training program(s), submitted for inclusion on the LTPL, must prepare program completers for employment in a “demand” occupation. “Demand” is defined as those occupations that are forecast to grow by 40 jobs or more (based on absolute growth only) over the 5 year forecast period as reflected in the current Occupational Forecast (Employment Change – Numerical) included in CareerGPS.com (http://www.careergps.com/occupation_forecast_data.asp?seta_check=&w=1250&h=800&t=Occupation Forecast Data)

Schools/institutions who submit an LTPL packet and meet SETA/Sacramento Works current LTPL contract qualifications must agree to the following guidelines:

  1. Schools/institutions must maintain and submit, as requested, necessary insurance documentation and endorsements as outlined in the LTPL Packet contract requirements. Failure to maintain and submit all necessary contractual documentation will result in the school/institution being placed on an LTPL Hold Status (schools/institutions will not be able to receive any additional training referrals from any of our Job Centers) until the necessary documentation is submitted;
  2. Schools/institutions must submit Customer/Student Progress Reports (to the relevant Job Center Coach) on a monthly basis;
  3. Schools/institutions must submit Customer/Student Placement Form(s) to the relevant Job Center Coach, as they occur, for training program completers who enter into unsubsidized employment;
  4. Schools/institutions must demonstrate that they provide customer/student placement services for those customers referred by SETA. In addition, schools/institutions must continue to maintain program performance standards as outlined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Eligible Training Provider List Policy and Procedures Directive (RWSD13-10). These performance standards will be evaluated on an annual basis.

Failure to meet any of the above mentioned guidelines may result in the LTPL provider being placed on “probation” (corrective action) and/or termination of their LTPL contract and subsequent removal from the LTPL.

Proof of BPPE Approval or BPPE Exemption must be submitted via US Postal Service, e-mail or fax to:
ETPL Coordinator
c/o SETA
925 Del Paso Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95815
Phone: 916-263-3549
Fax: 916-263-3735
e-mail: ETPL.LTPL@seta.net

Deadline for Submission:OPEN

SETA/Sacramento Works, Inc. maintain sole discretion as to which schools or institutions meet requirements for inclusion on the LTPL. Links are provided below.

CalJOBS Eligible Training Provider List
Local Training Provider List
Insurance Requirements for Local Training Provider Service Agreements